About Me

Ever wish you could step in a time travel machine and venture back in time? Me too! Thus my love for historical fiction was born.

I grew up running wild on the coasts and in the forests of Downeast Maine. When I didn’t have my nose in a book, I was dreaming up some new story, often out of history.   I especially loved the books of Rosemary Sutcliff and Elizabeth George Speare. As I grew older, I expanded into the works such as those of of Mark Twain, Jack London, Ambrose Bierce and Rudyard Kipling. Their literary styles began to influence mine and for the first time I dared to start my own novel. At age thirteen I could be found plunking away on my father’s computer delving into the world of the Irish Potato Famine of the nineteenth century.

I am currently at work on a trilogy set in the tenth century Byzantine Empire and surrounding the exploits of a Varangian mercenary Sven Thorvaldson and his son Ulf.

You may send me an e-mail at gretchen@gretchenbrownauthor.com

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