Since the last time we met…

I have left quite a gap of time since my last blog post. It has been quite a busy month or two. When I have gotten the chance to write, it has been to finish up the first draft of The Plague Casket and to begin on the third book: The Bone Goddess.

I am pretty excited about the third book. It may be the longest of the three, because there will be so many loose ends to tie up. It takes place over about a five year period and covers both Rus’ (what is today the Ukraine) and Bulgaria. A large part of it is taken up with Basil II’s Balkan wars.

I am asked by some when I am planning on looking into publishing. My reason for delaying it is simple. Because of the complex nature of the trilogy that I am writing, it requires constant vigilance to make sure there is continuity. I really do try for historical authenticity when I can and very rarely diverge from that. So there is quite a bit of historical research, but the research for this one has been the easiest yet. Possibly some of this may be because I am building on the research I have already established earlier.

With that in mind, I am working another idea for a blog post and this may be excerpted form the history I am using for The Bone Goddess. More on that soon…